“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalms 46:10, KJV)

Kings are monarchs who rule over countries or territories and one of the major characteristics of kings is that they don’t talk too much, not because they cannot, but because their words are a decree. No wonder scripture says in Ecclesiastes 8 vs 4:

“Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”

The words of kings carries so much weight and are considered a decree, so they speak only when necessary.

Now imagine how powerful the words of the King of all kings are.

Speaking about the power of God’s Word, the bible says that God spoke and things became what He called them to be.

Beloved, I don’t know what you are going through right now but God said to tell you: BE STILL!

No matter who or what is up against you, He’s saying BE STILL! For His Name will be glorified in your life.

It may look as though the weight is too much, He says for your sake, His Name will be exalted amongst the heathen so BE STILL!

That which may seem like a burden will turn to a testimony for your sake, so BE STILL and see God at work for you and through you.

You testimony is around the corner… Celebrate God!

You are blessed, in Jesus Precious Name!

Evang. Samson Aboloje

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“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” (Proverbs 10:22, KJV)

The blessings of God are His goodness, favour and grace bestowed on us which then materializes in spiritual, physical and material well being that God Himself protects by His own Hands.

In other words, the blessings of the Lord transcends the material, and truth be told, no mortal mind can actually quantify the blessings of God.

The blessings of God is the type of blessing that is not the result of one’s own labour but a product of God’s favour.

I pray for you, this week and beyond, you will enjoy the blessings of God, in Jesus Name!

Beloved, the blessings of God are not the result of self effort, so I pray, as you engage yourself this week, by God, lines will fall for you in pleasant places, in Jesus Name!

Child of God, the blessings of God does not add sorrow to it, that is why I declare, sorrow is hereby terminated from your life, in Jesus Name!

The riches of God also includes divine health. So I pray for you, there shall be a restoration on your health, in Jesus Name!

From today, only celebrations and congratulations are permitted for you, in Jesus Precious Name!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4, KJV)

To rejoice means to express great joy or to be delighted in someone or something but in this case, in God.

As humans, we are some times confronted with trials and challenges that tend to weigh us down but the Word of God says we should rejoice in Him always, not because He is happy that we are faced with challenges but because they are avenues for Him to prove His greatness in our lives and if we are convinced that He who did it before can do it again, we would rejoice in Him.

I pray for you, beloved, may your joy be full, in Jesus Name!

Songs of joy and rejoicing will not cease in your life and family, in Jesus Name!

May the Lord make you a channel of joy to others, in Jesus Name!

May the mighty Hand of God cut of whatever is trying to steal your joy, in Jesus Name!

May all round joy be your portion today and always, in Jesus Precious Name!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.” (Psalms 37:18-19, KJV)

The upright is the man whose ways are right before the Lord and whose desire is to constantly please Him and live according to God’s will.

To be satisfied does not only mean to enjoy divine provision but to also live a life of contentment irrespective of the happenings around.

We live in a time when things seems to be more difficult than it used to be, but for the man whose ways are right before the Lord, he will enjoy divine provision and peace on all sides.

I pray for you child of God, receive the help of God, in Jesus Name!

No matter what the economies of nations hold, for you and your household there shall be divine intervention and provision, in Jesus Name!

The time of famine refers to a time of scarcity and hardship, but for you and your household, it shall be a time of satisfaction and divine provision, in Jesus Name!

I pray for you, beloved, you will not know shame; you will not know lack and you will not be disappointed, in Jesus Name!

The opposite of famine is to have more than enough.
I pray for you, may that be your testimony today and always, in Jesus Precious Name!

Remain ever blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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A few days ago, I and some young men were on our way to Ikeja, Lagos. After driving for hours to the traffic light at Opebi link bridge, we saw a young man who knelt down and was praying seriously by the road side and one of the young men with me said: Ha! This one done mad o! And another said no. E fit be drug.

I turned to look at him and saw how desperately he was praying and I said to them:

“Until you know what is driving a man, you will never understand why he’s doing what he’s doing.”

I then beckoned on him to ask what the problem was and amazingly this young man had just given his life to Christ and needed a new look but didn’t have the resources to cut his (dread) hair. So while he was taking a walk, he didn’t realize when he stopped by the school fence just along the road, knelt down, faced the wall and began to pray fervently asking God to provide just at the time we saw him.

I brought out some Naira notes, handed it to one of the young men to give it to him and he suddenly fell to his knees and shouted “JESUS!!! IS THIS HOW YOU ANSWER PRAYERS?!

I turned to the other young man who had thought him to be a mad and said, God positions us at certain places per time in order to serve as a channel of His blessings to others, just as He does for us when He also needs to bless us.

Beloved, I don’t know what your heart cry is, but I pray, the Lord will send help to you today, in Jesus Name!

As today marks the first working day of this month, I pray, may the Lord God Almighty give you a new beginning, in Jesus Name!

I pray, may the Lord release upon you whatever will make the rest of the month easy for you, in Jesus Name!

May God cause men and nature to respond positively in your favour, in Jesus Name!

I declare, before you need help, may God cause men to arise in your favour, in Jesus Precious Name!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (1 Corinthians 2:14, KJV)

The earth in which we live in is governed by laws; both natural and spiritual laws.

Natural (physical) laws are those laws that govern our physical environment.
They are based on repeated scientific experiments over many years, and have become generally accepted.

Spiritual (Divine) laws on the other hand are those laws that God has by His infinite wisdom and grace, deemed fit to give us, and they are mysteries because they cannot be explained yet cannot be denied, hence they are called MIRACLES because they interfere in the affairs of men to bring about the miraculous.

When Elisha declared in 2 Kings chapter 7 verse 1 that “BY THIS TIME TOMORROW…”, it seemed unrealistic because by natural law it is impossible and a man who can be called the National Economic Adviser to the king looked at the Prophet and said it is impossible!
Though he saw it come to pass but did not partake of it.

Dear friend, the natural mind cannot receive spiritual things because they don’t often make sense because they defy what can be comprehended and some things that God instructs us to do some times doesn’t makes sense.

For instance, God is asking me to tell you that in this New Month of June, 2024, that every seemingly impossibilities in your life will get supernatural interventions, in Jesus Name!

I prophesy into the life of that one that believes, by THIS TIME TOMORROW every issue of concern in your life shall become testimonies, in Jesus Name!

I declare to you that all through this month of June, 2024, every day shall be testimony filled for you, in Jesus Precious Name!


You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour.” (Esther 8:16, KJV)

I believe that grace does not work alone; it works with mercy and with mercy favour comes.

It is when the mercy of God prevails over judgement that grace speaks and when it does favour follows.

It was because Esther found favour before the king (Esther 8:5), that the Jews were preserved and then they had LIGHT, GLADNESS, JOY and HONOUR. The four key components of a peaceable life.

With LIGHT darkness is dispelled; GLADNESS eliminates despair; JOY upturns sadness and HONOUR terminates shame.

I may not know what state you are in right now but I pray for you, the mercy of God will locate you, in Jesus Name!

The grace of God that terminates every form of disgrace is released upon you, in Jesus Name!

The favour of God that sets apart will locate you, in Jesus Name!

The light, gladness, joy and honour of the Lord be bodily evident in your life, in Jesus Name!

And may the Name of the Lord be glorified in your life, in Jesus Precious Name!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 2, KJV)

I have heard people say that the good things in life are not free. While it may sound right, it is completely wrong because the good things of life are actually free.

Have you considered the free gift of life? The mercies of God? The peace that passes all understanding? The love and joy of the Lord?

These and much more are absolutely free yet most people don’t consider them probably because of their temporary lack of material things.

Beloved, I pray for you, may the Lord God Almighty bless you with good health, peace of mind, love and joy, in Jesus Name!

May whatever represents the goodness of God become your daily experience, in Jesus Name!

May the all round prosperity of God be multiplied in your life, in Jesus Name!

May your life be sweet and may the ever abiding grace of God be your portion, in Jesus Name!

You will never know a better yesterday, in Jesus Precious Name!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.” (Ezekiel 37:2, KJV)

To be dry can simply mean the absence of rain or to be disconnected from source.

It could also mean to be spiritually dead altogether, just like the case of the valley of dry bones.

Even though the bones in the valley were terribly dry and hopeless, at the Word of the Lord, they stood up an exceeding great army.

No matter the dryness in a man’s life, when God steps in, that dryness will suddenly receive rain from heaven and become an oasis.

I pray for you, beloved, from today and always, you will flourish in and out of season, in Jesus Name!

Whatever represents dryness in your life, marriage, career or academics is receiving the touch of God right now, in Jesus Name!

Like a tree that is planted by the river side that bears it’s fruit in due season, you will flourish beyond measures, in Jesus Name!

I decree, may dryness be far away from your dwelling place, in Jesus Name!

May God’s covenant of peace become your daily experience, in Jesus Precious Name!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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“Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.” (Leviticus 26:4, KJV)

One of the most difficult things to do as human is to keep waiting when the result is not in sight, that is why a lot of people give up before their result manifests.

We live in a generation where things are expected to materialize instantly and when it doesn’t, people go to the wrong places to seek help, and quite sadly, it has also crept into the church.

The scripture did not give the assurance of a quick fix to everything, but it does assure us of a soft landing if we do not give up waiting on the One who has called us.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9, KJV)

When we are sure that the One whom we are waiting on is always on time, we build the courage to keep waiting because His ways are not our way neither are His timing ours.

Leviticus 26 verse 4 says that God will give you rain in due season and when rain falls at a time that it is not needed what you get is flood. But when it falls in due season it waters your field appropriately.

Beloved, you may have toiled and worked really hard that you are beginning to loose faith but God is saying that this month of May, 2024, HE WILL GIVE YOU RAIN in your marriage; your finances, in all that concerns you and give you peace.

I pray for you, in this month of May, 2024, you will enjoy the rain of exceptional favour and joy unspeakable will become your daily experience, in Jesus Precious Name!

Welcome to May, 2024. Your month of RAIN IN DUE SEASON!

You are blessed!

Samson Aboloje

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